How to prepare for your first session

Following several steps before your first session will ensure it will run smoothly.

  1. Check your internet connection?

    • Your home WiFi connection is optimal and we don't recommend anything less than a strong 4G connection if connecting from a mobile device.

  2. Shut down all other apps, programs, or streaming services you are running

    • Streaming platforms like Netflix, Stan, etc. or online games may slow down your internet speed and reduce the quality of your consult. We recommend turning off those platforms for the duration of your session.

  3. Check your device or computer

    • The telehealth software has been designed to run on all modern devices, including computers and smart devices, such as phones and tablets.

    • Most laptops built from 2010 or later will have a built in camera, speaker, and microphone. If your laptop is from before 2010, you may need to review your hardware. To test if your device is ready, simply click here.

  4. Check your web browser

    • We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on all devices except iPhone and iPad, where we recommend using Apple Safari. We have found that Mozilla's Firefox also works, but will restrict Screen sharing abilities.

  5. Run a speed test to test your internet connectivity

    • Finally, you can run a speed test to check your internet connectivity. You will need a minimum of 1 Mbps (1,000 Kbps) for both upload and download to hold a call on our software. To check this, simply click here.